Yacht Club
@ Fairfield Harbour
What we do
Cruising, Racing, Education, Social and Support.
CRUISES are planned to meet the needs of all skill levels. Both power boaters and sailors particpate in day, overnight, weekend or longer cruises throughout the season. Cape Lookout, Ocracoke, Chesapeake Bay, Local Waters and July Fireworks are a few.
EDUCATION programs and seminars related to health and safety, maintenance, technology, and knowledge of cruising are popular topics.
SOCIAL events are help throughout the year on both land and water. The season starts with the Commodore's Ball and Commissioning Day as well as Impromptu Happy Hours, Raft-ups, Monthly Dinners and Game Nights.
SUPPORT club members offer marine assistance that is included in your membership offering support and local tows back to your dock.
Upcoming Events
We want to get to know you!
Whether your boat is a little aged with use or brand new, a small runabout or a power cruiser, a day sailor or a cruising yacht, the Yacht Club offers a myriad of opportunities to enjoy your vessel, to partake in social events, educational seminars that increase knowledge and safety on the water and to mingle with like minded people
We meet at the Community Center, 585 Broad Creek Rd
WRN Ambassadors
WRN Ambassadors serve as change agents and leaders in their community. They inspire others to be better informed and prepared, thus helping to minimize, mitigate, or avoid the impacts of natural disasters. WRN Ambassadors can encourage these changes in their community in a number of ways, including:
Setting an example by becoming “weather-ready” yourself (e.g., making employee preparedness a priority and having a disaster plan);
Promoting Weather-Ready Nation key messages in your outreach activities;
Providing incentives to your constituents and stakeholders to become more resilient;
Advancing outreach to vulnerable communities; and
Sharing success stories with NOAA.